Our company ADVERC BM LTD is based in the West Midlands and has been in business since 1983. We have a proven track record, built up over that period of time, for providing excellent products, and backing that up with a direct contact service through our Technical Staff.
As a small specialist company we have never forgotten the value of our customers, and have developed an excellent reputation in our chosen markets for finding SOLUTIONS to the many battery related problems presented to us.
This service extends from the single boat owner right through to the major truck manufacturers, where our attention to detail ensures each one of them feels they have benefitted from the service we offer.

A New Experience of Flavor
Coffee tastes have changed so much that I remember around 2012, introducing a much more acidic coffee into our blend thinking we were going to lead customers into a new experience of flavour, only to be dismayed on day one with customer’s dissatisfaction with a fruitier and more flavourful coffee. Coffee is after all the seed of a fruit. From then on, we began to work at a gradual pace, turning up the brightness a little, season after season. Today we can proudly craft a coffee with notes of lemon meringue, strawberry or passionfruit and find people on all sides of the counter are learning and developing their pallets.

Whilst we are UK based, our reputation also extends further afield and we are only too happy to deal with customers from other countries throughout the world. Our PRODUCT range, which is forever expanding, has shown itself to be reliable, cost effective and extremely durable.
Since introducing the concept of battery sensed external regulators in 1984, the company has continued to develop this concept and has also introduced a full range of products to solve your electrical related problems.
We have a vast amount of our existing customers who continue to enjoy our unique brand of CUSTOMER SERVICE through our dedicated HELP LINE whenever they need it – why don’t you give it a try?